GOLAN HEIGHTS, Israel, Nov. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The shakings of 2020 have left millions around the world feeling a profound sense of uncertainty. Many memes now about making dark fun of our anxieties asking, “What’s next?!” Yet the Bible tells us everything that can be shaken will be shaken, and the shaking will reveal the only thing left unshaken: the Man Christ Jesus. And Scripture gives no lack of information regarding tumult to come before the Lord returns, or how we are to posture ourselves and cling to Him through the birth pangs of the last days. Its testimony is clear: the point and purpose of redemptive history is to put Jesus on highest display. John the apostle, the “disciple whom Jesus loved,” referred to it this way: it is “the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

To this end, FAI STUDIOS proudly announces our ninth feature film (and the first installment in a new series), Ballads of the Revelation. This 1 hour-40 minute film tells the book of Revelation through the dream of an eleven year-old boy, the ballads of his father, and the memories of John the beloved apostle. No other project in history has approached Revelation in this way. No other film, no other songs, and no other Bible study in the world serves the Body of Jesus like this project does. It is more than a film. Ballads of the Revelation is a library of multimedia resources designed to familiarize Christians worldwide with this important book of Scripture, and help people who love Jesus to discover Jesus in the Revelation of Jesus—for the maturity of the church at the end of this age.
Ballads of the Revelation is an unprecedented film and timely release. In the midst of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, social and cultural upheaval, Black Lives Matter and social justice movements, contention over masks, protests against injustice issues and social distancing policies, a contentious presidential election between Trump and Biden, mounting tension with Iran and power plays by Turkey’s President Erdogan, we must stare at—and exalt—the only One who has not and will not change: Jesus Christ, the Man from Galilee.
Filmed entirely in the State of Israel, written and edited in the FAI STUDIOS in Israel’s Golan Heights, with all music produced in Poland, Ballads of the Revelation is a truly international project honoring the scars of Israel’s past and the hope of her future.
More than a film, a variety of resources launch with the film’s release. A twenty-three song soundtrack will be available on all major platforms, and Dalton Thomas and Joel Richardson will release a weekly Global Bible Study examining the major themes of the Book of Revelation. We invite everyone who loves the name and Good News of Jesus to join us for this weekly study over several months. These resources, and more, are available exclusively on the FAI App, available for free in all app stores.
Join the Frontier Alliance International family for the world premiere of Ballads of the Revelation exclusive in the FAI App on Nov. 27th—and be sure to watch all the way to the end of the credits for an exclusive easter egg preview of the second film in the Ballads series.
ABOUT THE FILM: https://www.balladsoftherevelation.com/
For more info, email:
Since launching in 2011, FAI teams have been laying foundations in strategic regions throughout the 10/40 Window. Like Hudson Taylor’s China Inland Mission, our teams are laboring together in a concentrated and coordinated advance into the “interior” regions of our generation where today there is still no witness.
Media Contact:
Stephanie Quick
+1 (321) 704-7306
SOURCE Frontier Alliance International